Past Featured Articles
Stephanie Farkas Hired as the New MAACS Litigation Support Counsel!
Dawn Van Hoek, Michigan’s Appellate Defender, to retire in February
CDAM Fall Conference to Feature Digital and Computer Forensic Experts
November 9-11, 2017 -
MAACS 2015 Orientation and Annual Fall Training Materials
WXYZ's Andrea Isom Interviews SADO's Pete Martel
SADO/CDRC Expert Witnesses Database Updated
Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Guide to the DSM-5 for Substance Use Disorders
SADO Hiring Assistant Defenders for Juvenile Lifer Project
Applications accepted now until July 18, 2016 -
SADO’s DNA Project Obtains New Trial for Client Incarcerated for Fourteen Years
MAACS Accepting Applications to join the Appellate Assigned Counsel Roster
Applications Due August 1, 2016
Upcoming Events
- 11.07.2024 NAPD - The Color of Mitigati...
- 11.14.2024 CDAM - A is for Attorney
- 11.15.2024 CDAM - Annual Fall Conferenc...
- 11.18.2024 CAP - Skills Training: Evide...
- 11.18.2024 NAPD - Data Collection in So...