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SADO - Story Telling and Report Writing for Social Workers & Mitigation Specialists

Time: July 12, 2024 - 12-1:30pm
Location: Zoom

Please join us for this virtual lunchtime training on Story Telling and Report Writing with NAPD's Lori James-Townes. 

Lori James-Townes is the Executive Director of the National Association of Public Defense. Lori assumed this leadership position after three years of working as Assistant Training Director for NAPD and more than 25 years of working on defense teams representing indigent defendants. Lori has over 25 years of clinical practice, leadership, and management experience. At NAPD, she led the creation and planning of NAPD's Women's Conference, which shifted (due to COVID-19) from a 200- person live event to an 800-person virtual event headlined by Stacey Abrams. In 2021, she co-led NAPD's first-ever National Virtual Conference for Gideon Week – bringing more than 6,500 attendees together for the largest public defense training in history.

Check out the flyer for online registration!

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