2023-24 Research PLUS Web Subscription For CDAM Members (active CDAM attorneys only)

2023-24 Research PLUS Web Subscription For CDAM Members (active CDAM attorneys only)


Online access at www.sado.org to SADO’s Brief Bank, monthly emailed copies of the Criminal Defense Newsletter and appellate decision summaries, online and PDF access to the most current Defender Trial, Plea & Sentencing, Motions and Habeas Books, and practical manuals, including the “Defender Guide for Attorneys: Policies and Procedures of the Michigan Department of Corrections,” “Defender Evidence Manual Annotated,” “Defender Guide to Michigan’s Commutation Process,” “Defender Guide to Search & Seizure in Michigan,” “Defender Appellate Manual,” the “Reentry Guidebook,” the “Representing Individuals Facing Juvenile Life Without Parole Manual,” and the “Defender Sentencing Guidelines Manual Annotated.

Access to a Misconduct Database, Expert Witness Database, User Pleadings, Training Video Archive and 24 hour access to a criminal defense attorney-only e-mail and web-based forum with over 1,100 criminal defense attorney subscribers.

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