Local Success: December, 2018

Below are trial court victories of our subscribers as reported on SADO’s Forum—an online community for criminal defense attorneys. Subscribers are encouraged to submit their stories of success on SADO’s Forum and/or directly to Associate Editor Neil Leithauser at
nleithauserattorney@comcast.net. SADO’s CDRC Subscription information is available by contacting Heather Waara at hwaara@sado.org.

Jennifer J. France won dismissal October 8, 2018, at the preliminary examination, of a felon in possession of a firearm charge.

Suzanna Kostovski won not guilty verdicts October 15, 2018, in a case in the 36th Judicial District Court (Detroit) involving two counts of aggravated assault.

Joshua P. Rubin won a not guilty verdict October 17, 2018, in a malicious destruction of personal property case in the 72nd Judicial District Court (Port Huron). The client admitted breaking a window but testified that it was broken accidentally.

Adil Haradhvala convinced a judge in the 16th Judicial (Macomb County) Circuit Court not to score OV 1 and OV 2 in an armed robbery and carjacking case, resulting in a minimum sentence 5 years lower than it would have been with the variables scored.

Jordan A. Zuppke won a not guilty verdict in a malicious destruction of property case in the 44th Judicial District Court (Royal Oak) in October. Surveillance video showed the ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend’s car tires being slashed. The jury came returned the not guilty verdict in about 15 minutes.

by Neil Leithauser
Associate Editor