October 2022
We offer, on a continuing basis, summaries of recently signed, recently passed, and important proposed state legislation as a supplement to our annual survey.
Sunset on Court Costs Extended
2022 PA 199 (HB 5956, effective immediately) amends MCL 769.1k to extend the sunset provision (expiration date) on imposing costs related to actual costs incurred by trial courts for court operations for 18 months from October 1, 2022 to May 1, 2024. The Governor signed the act on October 7, 2022.
Provide No-Cost Communications
Services to Incarcerated Persons
HB 6363 would create a new act to prohibit surcharges or commissions on communication services received by state prisoners, county inmates, or incarcerated juveniles and to provide no-cost communications to these individuals. The act would also, among other things, prescribe the number of phones that must be available to prisoners in state penitentiaries and county jails. The bill was introduced in the House on September 7, 2022.
Allow Concealed Carry Without
License in Certain Circumstances
HB 6422 would amend MCL 750.727 and related statutes to allow a person without a license to carry a concealed pistol in their own home, at their own business, or on other land they possess. The bill would also allow a pistol to be carried in a vehicle or otherwise be transported if certain measures are taken. The bill was introduced in the House on September 27, 2022.
by John Zevalking
Associate Editor
Current Articles
- 2024 Reentry Workshops
- Safe & Just Michigan
- The impact of the MMMA and the MRTMA on probation conditions prohibiting marijuana use
- Ending life and long sentences: Using clemency often—A return to mercy and justice (Part 3 of 3)
- Prosecutorial disclosure of mitigating information at sentencing
- SADO is hiring a new General Clerk
- SADO is hiring a new Investigation Supervisor
- SADO is hiring a new Appellate Defender
- SADO Attorneys to argue before MSC at January session
- Summer 2025 Fellowships available through the Black Public Defender Association
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