September, 2021
We offer, on a continuing basis, summaries of recently signed, recently passed, and important proposed state legislation as a supplement to our annual survey.
Expungement Period Set for First OWI
2021 PA 82 (SB 400, effective March 9, 2022) amends MCL 780.621d to set the period for seeking an expungement of a first OWI offense. Under the act, a person seeking expungement of a first OWI offense must wait at least five years after the latest of the following events: imposition of the OWI offense the person is seeking to set aside, completion of probation, discharge from parole, or the completion of any term of imprisonment. The Governor signed the act on September 10, 2021.
Create Behavioral Health Jail Diversion Grant Program
SB 638 would add sections 207c and 207d to the Mental Health Code to create a jail diversion fund from which grants would be distributed to local units of government to establish or expand behavioral health jail diversion programs. The bill was introduced in the Senate on September 14, 2021.
by John Zevalking
Associate Editor
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