Michigan Attorney Fee Resources
Fee issues include not only the amount paid to assigned counsel, but fees for investigators and expert witnesses.
The Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan (CDAM) has a Task Force on Fees that can provide support to attorneys who are litigating fee issues. See www.cdam.net
Subscribers to CDRC web services have online access to resources, including:
Defender Trial Book, Chapter 4: Counsel Compensation
Defender Motion Book, Chapter 4: Motion for Attorney Fees and Expenses
Defender Motion Book, Chapter 5: Motion for Appointment of Investigator
Litigating Fee Issues
The CDRC maintains and distributes litigation support documents, including the following:
- Time Tracking Document
- Sample Motions
- Attorney fees and expenses
- Reasonable fee following voucher reduction
- Appointment of investigator
- Appointment of expert witness (rape trauma expert)
- Pleadings and court orders in Davis, litigated by Bay City's Ken Malkin
- Motion for Reconsideration on Application For Leave to Appeal, August 1, 2007
- Supreme Court Order, December 5, 2007
- Order for Expert, February, 2008
- Federal Constitutional underpinnings for claims (Defender Habeas Book, section 1-4-k-iii)
Specific fee litigation and systemic challenges to Michigan’s public defense system are listed in the CDRC’s public defense resources pages. In most cases, pleadings also are available for these cases.